CHAN Sumie
Chan, S. (2022-present). International Program Committee. Journal Reviewer. HKAECT International Conference Organizing Committee.
Chan, S. (2021-present). Standing Committee member. The University of Hong Kong Convocation.
Chan, S. (2021-present). Adjudicator. Optimist International Hong Kong.
Chan, S. (2020-present). Adjudicator. The HKFYG Leadership Institute.
Cheung, L. (2019). Writer for the Faculty's Impact Overview Statement Submission for RAE 2020. The Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
FONG Natalie
Fong, N. (2022). Invited Editorial Board Reviewer for a special issue for the Journal of Language and International Studies.
Fong, N. (May 2020). Invited Reviewer for Competitive Research Funding Schemes for the Local Self-financing Degree Sector under Research Grants Council (RGC).
Lau, K. (2022-present). External Examiner. HKUSPACE Community College, Hong Kong.
Lau, K. (2022-present). Appointed member. Language Discipline Advisory Board. Vocational Training Council, Hong Kong.
Lau, K. (2022). Reviewer of EAP curriculum. HKUSPACE Community College, Hong Kong.
Lau, K. (2021 and 2022). Accreditation Review Panel Member. Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ), Hong Kong.
Lau, K. (2019-present). Academic Assessor. HKUSPACE Community College, Hong Kong.
LAW Locky
Law, L. (2019-2022). Conference organising committee member. Hong Kong Association for Educational Communications and Technology (HKAECT), Hong Kong.
LEGG Miranda
Legg, M. (2019-present). Chairperson of the Centre for English and Additional Languages Advisory Board. Lingnan University, Hong Kong.
WONG Lillian
Wong, L. L. C. (2021-present). Editorial Board Member. Discourses on Culture.
Wong, L. L. C. (2022-present). Consultant. Virtual Teaching and Research Office of University English Curricula and Teaching Group, Jinan University, Ministry of Education, China.
Wong, L. L. C. (2018-present). Visiting Professor. School of Foreign Language Education, Jilin University, Changchun, China.
Wong, L. L. C. (2017-2021). Chair Elect, Chair and Past-Chair of TESOL Research Professional Council. TESOL International Association.
Wong, L. L. C. (2022, February). Programme review panel member. Advanced Diploma in General English. SPACE, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Wong, L. L. C. (2016-2019). Academic Assessor. Advanced Diploma in General English. SPACE, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Wong, L. L. C. (2017-2019). Academic Assessor. Associate Degree, English for Arts and Humanities. SPACE Community College, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.