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Discipline-specific Teaching and Materials

CAES colleagues have been actively involved in developing discipline-specific teaching practices and tailor-made materials to maximize student learning at the University of Hong Kong. Colleagues' scholarly activities align with the three thematic areas: Assessment practices, Classroom pedagogy, and Materials development.

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Materials Development


Boynton, S. (2020). Reflective Essay Writing. CCHU9058 Nature in the City.
Designed materials on teaching features of reflective essay writing using student exemplars. Activities designed in which students compared depth of reflection, adding thoughts and feelings, description vs reflection in two student exemplars. This led to useful conversations regarding what we are looking for in successful reflective writing.


Boynton, S. (2019). Materials on Linear Regression. CAES9821 Professional and Technical Communication for Mathematical Sciences. 
Wrote materials to teach students how to perform linear regression using Excel. This involved step by step instructions using a practice case and recording videos to explain the solution to the practice case and how to interpret data from Excel. Designed the Assessment Case Study. This involved creating a data set, clear case study instructions with extensive FAQ section (particularly on the mathematical content), and extensive teacher notes on the case study.


Boynton, S. (2019). Student exemplars of Narrated Presentations. CAES9820 Academic English for Science Students and CAES9821 Professional and Technical 
Communication for Mathematical Sciences.
Designed materials based on student exemplars of narrated presentations. These materials focused on spoken vs written language, signposting, visual design of slides. Good exemplars were used to show desirable features of narrated presentations. Comparing different exemplars led to useful dialogue on presentations.


Boynton, S. (2020). Reflective Writing CCST9006 The Force is with you.
Designed materials based on student exemplars to focus on logical organization of information, avoiding having too many topics in a paragraph with lack of depth, and using clear examples to relate the course content to students' own lives and their academic discipline.


Boynton, S. (2022). Oral Presentations CCHU9080 Dead People's Things.
Designed materials based on student exemplars. The materials focused on slide design (clean slides, more visuals and less text) and delivery (sentence stress, pausing, notes rather than scripts).

CHASE Julian 

Chase, J. Proposed a simple, concise and effective form of oral source citation for CUE1000 citing author, year, text type, topic, to replace the vague and problematic one currently in use. 


Chase, J. Proposed a revision to the organisation of the CAES9820 Science course to streamline the components and reduce inefficiency in one of the course components (SALL).

CHEUNG Anthea 

Cheung, H. Y. (2020). Handling Q&A. CAES9121 Communication Course for Architecture Students.
Designed tasks to develop students' awareness of good practices in asking questions and answering questions in a formal setting. An authentic press conference video is used for students to analyze the various moves. Students can observe how professionals interact with each other in an Q&A session, and understand how the techniques can be applied in their own Q&A sessions of their speaking assignments.

CHOI Mable 

Choi, M. (2020-). Learning from exemplary business plans. CAES9532 Technical English for IMSE.
Designed and developed a new course and produced teaching materials for IMSE3134 Innovation and Entrepreneurship to which our English course is adjunct, for which students are required to write a Business Plan -- this is a brand new genre not previously taught by centre, in other words, this exemplifies my ability to produce innovative and inspiring teaching materials.
Outcome 1: Students understand the demands of the genre, which is vastly different to technical writing. The quality of the Business Plans produced have become increasingly more professional, as noted by the IMSE course coordinator.
Outcome 2: Innovative teaching leads to outstanding SFTL scores for course effectiveness -- 94.8 (Centre average: 77.4).

Choi, M. (2020-). Learning from exemplary FYP reports. CAES9540 Technical English for Civil Engineering and CAES9542 Technical English for Computer Science.
Designed and developed a suite of brand new teaching materials based on exemplary, authentic, up-to-date FYP reports for both courses.
Outcome 1: Engineering students enjoy learning from the best. This has been reflected on the quality of the reports they produce on the course. Most recently, in 2022, two civil engineering students taught by me have won Best Student Paper organised by CHIT and HKIE. In addition, another five students have been invited to participate in Emerging Engineers Awards, organised by the Institution of Civil Engineers, based on their outstanding FYP reports.
Outcome 2: Innovative teaching leads to outstanding SFTL scores for both course and teacher effectiveness and enhances our credibility as ED teachers.

Choi, M. (2021-). Learning from exemplary FYP presentations. CAES9540 Technical English for Civil Engineering, CAES9542 Technical English for Computer Science and CAES9544 Technical English for Mechanical Engineering.
Showcase and analysis of exemplary presentations.
Outcome 1: Engineering students are always fearful of presenting their FYP to their supervisors and moderators. Utilising authentic materials enhances our credibility, and showcasing and analysing exemplary presentations allows students to understand what works and what doesn't, in terms of both slide design as well as their presentation skills and working as a team.
Outcome 2: Engineering students become more effective and professional as presenters; their slide design has also improved correspondingly. This has been noted and commented on by their FYP supervisors.

HO Ken 

Ho, K. L. (2022). Integration of pre-lesson literature review in teaching writing pedagogy. MAAL6023 Advances in Writing Pedagogy.
Designed and developed learning templates for integrating pre-lesson literature reading, in-class discussion and assignment rubric explanation for post-graduate Applied Linguistics students. Develop students’ competence in adapting pedagogical theories to advance their own teaching practices.

Ho, K. L. (2020). Genre awareness in technical reporting. CAES9544 Technical English for Mechanical Engineering.
Designed and developed learning tasks to promote language awareness of engineering reports types across genres and study years for final-year mechanical engineering students. Develop students’ writing competencies in different technical writing approaches throughout their undergraduate study.

Ho, K. L. (2019). Teaching and marking videos for ESP. CAES95XX (four courses) Technical English for Civil, Electrical/Electronic, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science. 
Designed and developed instructional videos for engineering report writing and presentation for fourth-year students. Develop students’ writing and presentation competencies in reporting the progress and completion of their final-year/capstone projects.

LAU Ken 

Lau, K. (2019). Course Development. MAAL7001 Applied Corpus Linguistics.
Designed and developed the entire course. Develop students’ theoretical understanding of data-driven learning and of how corpus linguistics/corpora can be used to inform pedagogy and materials design.

WONG Parco 

Wong, P. M. T. (2020). Reading-Writing Connections. CAES1000 Core University English.
Created a set of teaching and learning materials for first-year undergraduate students on how critical reading strategies facilitate effective English academic writing.   

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Classroom Pedagogy

CHAN Louisa 

Chan, L. (2021). CAES2003 Learning English through Audiovisual Books.
Designed and offered an elective course that improves students’ written, spoken and digital literacy skills through the genre of audio-visual books. Engaged students in the analysis of novels reproduced as audio-visual books and movies with respect to their plot structures and linguistic features. Guided students to write a short story and produce an audio-visual book employing voice acting, audio and video capture and editing. 


Cheung, L. (2019). Flipped classroom approach to genre-based writing. CAES9350 Academic English for Dentistry.
Adopted an innovative Multimodal/Multimedial Classroom Approach to this fifth-year English course for Dentistry students (five lectures, four flipped classes, three individual consultations; different media). Created four 5-minute well-designed videos (e.g. “Understanding the requirements of the discussion and conclusion sections”, “Oral presentation skills”). Repackaged the the ‘direct-instruction’ component of report writing in the form of videos  in a more interesting, visual, and millennial-appropriate way. Provide adequate scaffolding for students to engage actively in class for discussions of writing to deepen their understanding of the genre.

LAW Locky 

Law, L. (2020). Top 10 Tips for Mastering the Use of Figures, Tables and Equations. CAES954x Technical English for Engineering.
Developed new videos using Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects for engineering students’ out-of-class learning and contributed to the induction package for new teachers (foci: the use of figures, tables and equations; the transfer of knowledge from the progress report to the Final Year Capstone project group report).

WONG Lillian 

Wong, L. L. C. (2022). Class observation and micro-teaching. MAES7105 Technology in Language Teaching and Learning.
Designed and developed an interactive course integrating authentic learning and assessment opportunities which students gain and apply knowledge in lesson planning and activities development, teach in a school, receive feedback and reflect on learning for future teaching practice. 

Assessment Practices


Boynton, S. (2019). Essay Writing and Peer feedback. CCST9056 The Force is with you.
Designed writing workshop to teach evaluative language and successful integration of citations for a science essay assignment. This was delivered to 150 students. Also designed a peer feedback workshop. Designed a peer feedback tick sheet based on the assessment rubric and used a student exemplar to train the students how to do peer assessment. Students then did peer feedback on an essay draft.

HO Ken 

Ho, K. L. (2021). Experiment and statistics reporting for Biomedical Engineering students. CAES9531 Technical English for Biomedical Engineering.
Designed and developed with Biomedical Engineering (BME) Department the genre for streamlined reporting engineering procedure and statistics for third-year BMED students. Promote effective technical reporting for co-assessment purpose with engineering faculty and industry judges. 

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